Why is Learning English Important, Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Halaman 55

4 November 2021, 07:45 WIB
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RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI – Simak pembahasan materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA halaman 55 tentang why is learning english important.

Halo adik-adik, hari ini kita akan belajar pelajaran Bahasa Inggris halaman 55 materi membuat percakapan atau conversation tentang why is learning english important.

Yuk buku Bahasa Inggris halaman 55, berikut pembahasan conversation why is learning english important untuk dijadikan referensi adik-adik belajar.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 SMA Semester 1 Tentang Teks Eksplanasi

Why is learning english important.

State your arguments or position on this issue and then discuss with your partner, you can use this example to start your conversation.

Student A: Learning english is important because it is a means of communication with different people around the world.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 SMA Semester 1 Tentang Teks Ceramah dan Pidato

Student B: I don’t think it is important.

Student A: I do not agree with you, english knowledge can increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company or finding work abroad.

Student B: But in i think our other skills make us more accepted in a company han English skill.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 SMA Semester 1 Tentang Teks Prosedur

Student A: Yes, I agree. But if there is another candidate who has the same skill as us but can talk in English, they will most probably accepted than us. 

Student B: Really? Do you think so?

Student A: Yes, i think, it is. The English language empowers us with bilingual skills, which makes us become a preferable candidate to every company in the world.

Baca Juga: Soal PAS Sejarah Kelas 11 SMA Semester 1 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Student B: Thank you for the insight. I am convinced that English is not only used for entertainment purposes but also in the working.

Student A: Yes, my pleasure, we should learn english. We can get good job in multinational and international company, and we can also travel to many countries without any difficulties in communication because it's a world language.

Student B:  I agree with you about that.

Baca Juga: Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Semester 1 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Nah, itulah pembahasan materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA halaman 55 tentang why is learning english important, semoga bermanfaat.***

Editor: Shofia Munawaroh

Sumber: Buku Sekolah Elektronik


