Latihan Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA Semester 2, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

3 Februari 2022, 19:00 WIB
Simak latihan soal UTS PTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA Semester 2, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban. /

RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI - Simak latihan soal dan kunci jawaban UTS PTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk adik-adik kelas 12 SMA semester 2.

Adanya kunci jawaban ini diharapkan dapat membantu adik-adik siswa kelas 12 SMA dalam menyelesaikan latihan soal PTS UTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris semester 2.

Mari pelajari latihan soal UTS PTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA semester 2 berikut dan ayo kita kerjakan bersama-sama.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTS PTS Mapel PAI Kelas 10 SMA Semester 2, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Dilansir dari laman Bank Soal Kemdikbud  pada Kamis, 3 Februari 2022, berikut latihan soal dan kunci jawaban UTS PTS kelas 12 SMA mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris semester 2.

1. Kinanti : Raisya Travel, Can I help you?

Mr. Hamdi : ......................

a. Can you make a reservation for me?

b. Can I reerve two singles room

c. Could I book two tables please?

d. Could I make a reservation for singapore today?

e. Can I have a glass of orange juice

Jawab: D. Could I make a reservation for singapore today?

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTS PTS Mapel Geografi Kelas 10 SMA Semester 2, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

2. Mary  : I’d like to check out

Receptionist : ..........., pleas

Mary : Room 711. Here is the key

a. Is that the key

b. Your room number

c. Do you leave your room

d. Tell me about your room

e. Do you want to stay in your room?

Jawab: B. Your room number

3. Receptionist : Sukses restaurant, May I help you?

Braga : Yes Please, ... for next weekend.

Receptionist : I’m sorry. We’ve fully booked this month.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTS PTS Mapel Fisika Kelas 10 SMA Semester 2, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

a. I want to book a ticket

b. I’d like to confirm my reservation

c. I really need your help

d. I’d like to reserve four tables

e. I need to reserve a room

Jawab: D. I’d like to reserve four tables

4. Customer: Hello. I would like to reserve a single room for three days.

Receptionist: ….

a. I'm afraid to book for those days

b. I'm not afraid we’re totally booked for those days

c. I'm afraid we’re totally booking for those days

d. I'm not afraid we're totally booking for those days

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTS PTS Mapel Kimia Kelas 10 SMA Semester 2, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

e. I'm afraid we’re totally booking for those days

Jawab: B. I'm not afraid we’re totally booked for those days

5. A: OK, Sir. You are confirmed. You have reserved a single ticket for next weekend. Your flight is tomorrow afternoon, Sir?

B: ….   

a. Thank you for the fly, Sir

b. OK, then. Thank you very much

c. Yes, I want to have a ticket right now

d. OK, sure. I can fly  this afternoon

e. Thank ypu, Can I have my room right now?

Jawab: B. OK, then. Thank you very much

Disclaimer: Artikel ini dibuat untuk membantu adik-adik untuk mengerjakan latihan soal UTS PTS semester 2.***

Editor: Shofia Munawaroh

Sumber: Bank Soal Kemdikbud


