Simak Soal Ujian Sekolah US UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP, Pilihan Ganda dan Kisi-kisi Lengkap

11 November 2022, 12:00 WIB
Simak soal ujian sekolah US UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP, pilihan ganda dan kisi-kisi lengkap sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013. /Unsplash /Jessica Lewis/

RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI – Berikut soal ujian sekolah US UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8, pilihan ganda dan kisi-kisi lengkap sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013

Halo adik-adik pada artikel kali ini akan dipaparkan pembahasan mengenai soal ujian sekolah US UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 pilihan ganda dan kisi-kisi lengkap.

Semoga dengan pembahasan artikel ini dapat dijadikan referensi belajar adik - adik sehingga bisa menjawab pertanyaan bapak / ibu di sekolah dan mendapatkan nilai yang maksimal.

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Halaman 165, What Do You Like About Things Around You

Adapun artikel ini dipandu oleh Fatma Aljawhara, S.Pd. alumni dari Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut soal ujian sekolah US UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8,pilihan ganda dan kisi-kisi lengkap : 

Read the following text to answer question number 1

Holiday in Bali

We had a wonderful holiday in Bali. It was a really great place. The people were friendly, the food was great, and the weather was a lot better than at home.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Halaman 165 Terlengkap dan Terbaru, Collecting Information

Most days were pretty. I swam two or three times a day, but my brother Fachri just spent all his time lying on the beach with his eyes closed.

On Saturday I got on the bus and went to the north of the island. It was much quieter there. It was very beautiful but there were no tourists.

1.How often did the writer swim in a day? He swam … in a day.


B.Four time


D.Five times

Jawab: A.Thrice

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 2, K13 Terbaru 2022 Lengkap dengan Pembahasan

Pembahasan: kunci jawaban ada pada kalimat ‘I swam two or three times a day’ sehingga three time bisa disingkat menjadi thrice.

Read the following text to answer question 2-4

Last night, Lutfindra rode the motorcycle to the supermarket in her town, Karanganyar. After that she got on the saddle and started to run the engine and rode along the way to the supermarket carefully.

When she arrived at the supermarket she bought some vegetables such as cauliflower, lettuce, and cucumber. She did not forget to buy her favorite fruits, durian. Finally, she rode back home.

Baca Juga: Soal UAS PAS IPS Kelas 8 SMP Semester 2 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan

She felt happy to go shopping in the supermarket due to the lower price of the goods.

2.How did Lutfiandra go to the supermarket?

A.By bus

B.By Car

C.On foot

D.By motorcycle

Jawab: D.By motorcycle

Pembahasan: jawaban ada pada kalimat ‘Lutfindra rode the motorcycle to the supermarket in her town’ yang menekankan kalau dia menggunakan motorcycle.

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal IPA Kelas 8 SMP Uji Kompetensi Bab 3, Materi Struktur dan Fungsi Tumbuhan, Part 2

3.From the text, we know that Lutfindra is a ... person.





Jawab: D.Careful

Pembahasan: jawaban ii bisa dilihat dari pernyataan dalam kalimat ‘rode along the way to the supermarket carefully’

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Halaman 159 Memperbaiki Paragraf Sesuai Grammar

4.What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A.The writer’s feeling about her shopping

B.How the writer got into the supermarket

C.The writer’s attitude about shopping in supermarket

D.The writer’s activities in the supermarket

Jawab: D.The writer’s activities in the supermarket

Pembahasan: jawaban dapat dilihat dari kalimat ‘she bought some vegetables such as cauliflowers, lettuce, cucumber’

Read the following text.

Last month, I left Jakarta for Seribu Island. I went there with some members of the Jakarta fishing club, who organized the monthly fishing activity.

Soon, after our arrival at Seribu Island, we got a general briefing. Then, we began our fishing. Apparently, no one caught any big fish.

In Summary, the trip was mostly enjoyable. Fishing is absolutely an interesting activity.

Baca Juga: Soal UAS IPS Kelas 9 SMP Semester 1 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban Part 2

5.What did the writer do soon after he arrived at Seribu Island?

A.He rode on a speed boat

B.He began to fish right away

C.He joined a general briefing

D.He organized the monthly fishing

Jawab: C.He joined a general briefing

Pembahasan: jawaban ada pada kalimat ‘after our arrival at Seribu Island, we got a general briefing’ yang menjelaskan adanya brifing saat sampai di Pulau Seribu.

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal IPA Kelas 9 SMP Uji Kompetensi Bab 3 Halaman 157-195 Materi Pewarisan Sifat

Demikian soal ujian sekolah US UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 tahun ajaran 2022, pilihan ganda dan kisi-kisi lengkap sesuai denagn kurikulum 2013.


1.Artikel ini dibuat untuk membantu adik-adik memahami pembelajaran serta menjawab pertanyaan secara mandiri di rumah.

2.Artikel ini tidak menjamin kebenaran yang bersifat mutlak, karena tidak menutup kemungkinan ada eksplorasi jawaban lainnya.***

Editor: Dian Effendi


