Should and Should Not Do, Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP

- 17 September 2021, 08:04 WIB
Simak pembahasan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP halaman 37 Collecting Information tentang should and should not.
Simak pembahasan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP halaman 37 Collecting Information tentang should and should not. /buku paket bahasa inggris kelas 8 smp/buku.kemdikbud/

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 8, Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Teks Persuasi

7. I’m longing for my cousins.

Answer: You should come to their house. You should not forget to bring gift for them.

8. My legs are asleep because I’m sitting on them.

Answer: You should stand for a while. You should not sit for long time.

9. Our classroom is dirty and messy.

Answer: You should clean your class. You should not make your class dirty and messy.

10. I have a toothache.

Answer: You should brush your teeth. You should not eat many candies.

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal IPA Kelas 8 SMP, Urutan Saluran Pencernaan dari Awal hingga Akhir


Editor: Suci Arin Annisa


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