Associating Udin is Helping His Father, Materi Bahasa Inggris Halaman 93 Kelas 7

- 13 Oktober 2021, 08:00 WIB
Bahasa Inggris halaman 93 kelas 7 SMP mengenai associating, Udin is helping his father.
Bahasa Inggris halaman 93 kelas 7 SMP mengenai associating, Udin is helping his father. / Tangkapan layar Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/Kemendikbud/

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Tema 4 Kelas 3 SD MI Halaman 14 16 tentang Hak dan Kewajiban

5. Sintia is reading a story book about the crocodile and deer. I also love to read story books.

6. Edo and Rinto are doing their homework together.

7. Aisah was making her bed after wake up. I also tidy up my room too.

8.Dela having a family time with their parents. They watch TV together.

Itulah materi pembahasan pada Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP di halaman 93 mengenai associating.

Disclaimer: Artikel ini dibuat untuk membantu belajar siswa-siswa.***


Editor: Suci Arin Annisa


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