Latihan Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Terbaru 2022, Lengkap Dengan Kunci Jawaban Bagian 2

- 13 April 2022, 06:30 WIB
Inilah latihan soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP yang bisa menjadi belajar, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban
Inilah latihan soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP yang bisa menjadi belajar, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban /Pixabay/F1Digitals

B. moved to Surabaya several months ago

C. has moved to Surabaya

D. will move to Surabaya anytime in the future.

Jawaban: C. has moved to Surabaya

8. What should be prepared by the camping participants?

A. Tools, clothes, food stuff, and the timetable of the camping. 

B. Appliances, clothes, food stuff and regulations for participants.

C. Clothes, camping tools, cooking utensils and food stuff.

D. Clothes, appliances, food stuff and location of the camping.

Jawaban: C. Clothes, camping tools, cooking utensils and food stuff.


Editor: Al Iklas Kurnia Salam

Sumber: Bank Soal Kemdikbud


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