Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester 2 Halaman 161, 162, Associating: The Use of Passive Voice

- 15 November 2022, 07:00 WIB
Latihan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP semester 2 halaman 161, 162, associating: the use of passive voice.
Latihan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP semester 2 halaman 161, 162, associating: the use of passive voice. /

Baca Juga: Simak Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru, Kurikulum 2013 Full Pembahasan

5.Female cattle are called cows and the males are called bulls. Title of Text: Cows and Bulls

6Female cattle that are reared for their milk are called dairy cows. Title of Text: Cows and Bulls

To state the materials that make the objects

1.Fabrics can also be made of plastic, or a mixture of plastic and natural fibers. Title of Text: Fabrics

To state the functions of the objects

1.Fabrics are used around the house to make clothes, curtains, towels, and furniture coverings. Title of Text: Fabrics

2.In many parts of the world, they are used to pull plows and carts. Title of Text: Cows and Bulls

Baca Juga: Simak Soal Ujian Sekolah US UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan

To state what happen/happened to the objects


Editor: Dian Effendi


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