Lirik Lagu Barat, Can’t Take My Eyes Off You dari Frankie Valli

- 19 Agustus 2020, 16:29 WIB
Lirik Lagu Barat, Can’t Take My Eyes Off You dari Frankie Valli.*/
Lirik Lagu Barat, Can’t Take My Eyes Off You dari Frankie Valli.*/ /

RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI – Berikut Lirik Lagu Can't Take My Eyes Off You dari Frankie Valli.

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last, love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

 Baca Juga: Viral 8 Remaja JadikanBendera Merah Putih Alas Berfoto, Akhirnya Beri Klarifikasi dan Minta Maaf

Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothin' else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

 Baca Juga: Waspada, Berikut Rekomendasi Memilih Masker Wajah

I love you, baby
And if it's quite alright
I need you, baby
To warm the lonely night
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh, pretty baby
Don't bring me down, I pray
Oh, pretty baby
Now that I've found you, stay
And let me love you, baby
Let me love you

 Baca Juga: Sering Dijodoh-jodohkan dengan Dul Jaelani, Amanda Caesa Mengaku Nyaman

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last, love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you

 Baca Juga: Presiden Aoun Keluarkan Pernyataan Mengejutkan Terkait Dalang Ledakan di Beirut

I love you, baby
And if it's quite alright
I need you, baby
To warm the lonely night
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh, pretty baby
Don't bring me down, I pray
Oh, pretty baby
Now that I've found you, stay
Oh, pretty baby
Trust in me when I say







Editor: Galih Ferdiansyah


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