Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester 2 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

17 Januari 2022, 09:26 WIB
ilustrasi - Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP lengkap dengan kunci jawaban. /PIXABAY/zapCulture

RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI - Simak latihan soal Ujian Tengah Sekolah (UTS) semester 2 Bahasa Inggris Materi Simple Past Tanse kelas 8 SMP lengkap dengan kunci jawaban.

Soal-soal tentang Simple Past Tanse berikut disajikan untuk membantu adik-adik kelas 8 dalam mempersiapkan diri menghadapi Ujian Tengah Sekolah (UTS) Bahasa Inggris di akhir pembelajaran jelang kelulusan.

Perlu diketahui, latihan soal Ujian Akhir Sekolah (UTS) di bawah ini dibuat berdasarkan materi, oleh sebab itu sebaiknya tetap fokus untuk mempelajari soal yang ada.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTS PTS Mapel Matematika Kelas 8 SMP Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban, Fungsi

Dilansir dari laman Bank Soal Kemendikbud pada Senin, 17 Januari 2022, berikut soal ujian tengah sekolah pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8.

1. Announcement

The Mayor is going to visit us on Saturday, 15 August. All students must wear their uniform neatly and stay presentable. The Mayor will be accompanied by some of his staff. They will interview some of you. Please answer their question politely. Be good and helpful. Thank you,

Head teacher

What will the mayor and his staff do?

a. Answer the students’ question

b. Be presentable to the students

c. Interview the students

d. Help the students

Jawaban C

Baca Juga: Simpulan Kategori Ketiga Cuplikan Halaman 133, Teks Eksplanasi Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 8

2. Announcement

The Mayor is going to visit us on Saturday, 15 August. All students must wear their uniform neatly and stay presentable. The Mayor will be accompanied by some of his staff. They will interview some of you. Please answer their question politely. Be good and helpful. Thank you,

Head teacher

What should the students do?

a. They should wear their favorite uniform

b. They should interview them

c. They should keep silent

d. They should be presentable

Jawaban D

Baca Juga: Menentukan Cuplikan yang Berkategori Teks Eksplanasi Halaman 132, Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 8

3. Announcement

The Mayor is going to visit us on Saturday, 15 August. All students must wear their uniform neatly and stay presentable. The Mayor will be accompanied by some of his staff. They will interview some of you. Please answer their question politely. Be good and helpful. Thank you,

Head teacher

“..will interview some of you.” The bold and underlined word refers to ?

The mayor and his staffs

The staffs

The teachers

The students

Jawaban D

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTS PTS Mapel IPA Kelas 8 SMP Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban, Sistem Pencernaan Makanan

4. Short Message

To: Rina

Hey, this is Wulan. Our group is going to do our biology assignment. Are you free this afternoon? If you are, please come to my house at 1 pm. Arya and Nurul are coming too.

What does the writer intend to by writing this message?

a. To ask the reader to be free this afternoon

b. To ask the reader to come to her house

c. To ask Arya and Nurul to do theassignment

d. To collect her biology assignment.

Jawaban B

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTS PTS Mapel IPS Kelas 8 SMP Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

5. Short Message

To: Rina

Hey, this is Wulan. Our group is going to do our biology assignment. Are you free this afternoon? If you are, please come to my house at 1 pm. Arya and Nurul are coming too.

“Are you free this . . . (Line 2). What does the underlined word mean?

a. Have to do something

b. Have nothing to do

c. Have nobody to do

d. Have a lot of things to do

Jawaban B

Itulah beberapa soal da kunci jawaban UTS kelas 8 Bahasa Inggris.

Disclaimer: artikel ini dibuat untuk membantu siswa belajar soal ujian dengan mudah.***

Editor: Suci Arin Annisa

Sumber: Bank Soal Kemdikbud


