Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA MA Pilihan Ganda, Materi Asking and Giving Opinion

8 Juni 2022, 16:48 WIB
ilustrasi. Mari menyimak latihan soal PTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 11 SMA MA pilihan ganda, materi asking and giving opinion /Pixabay/Pixabay

RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI - Halo adik-adik, mari belajar latihan soal PTS (Penilaian Tengah Semester), mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 11 SMA MA soal pilihan ganda materi asking and giving opinion.

Artikel ini memuat 10 latihan soal PTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris materi asking and giving opinion, untuk adik-adik kelas 11 SMA MA pelajari.

Adapun latihan soal PTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA MA berikut ini, telah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban yang memudahkan adik-adik dalam mempelajarinya.

Baca Juga: 10 Soal Latihan Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Materi Introduction

Dilansir dari laman Bank Soal Kemdikbud pada 7 Juni 2022, inilah latihan soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA MA pilihan ganda asking and giving opinion, dengan kunci jawaban dipandu oleh alumni Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IAIDA, Shofia Munawaroh, S.Pd.

1. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Era : I don’t think so. ... Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.

a. In my opinion
b. He forget it
c. I am thinking of
d. I know it
e. See you

Jawaban: a. In my opinion

2. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Sri : I think ... . Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.

a. You should lie down and have some rest
b. You must sing
c. I must take some rest, too
d. You can see the doctor tonight
e. I will take you to the hospital

Jawaban: a. You should lie down and have some rest

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal PTS IPS Kelas 8 SMP Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru 2022

3. Jade: What do you think of my drawing?
Rose: It's amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.
Jade: Thank you so much for you opinion, Rose!
Rose: My pleasure.

From the dialogue above, Rose is ...

a. Giving help
b. Giving an opinion
c. Asking for help
d. Asking a question
e. Asking for attention

Jawaban: b. Giving an opinion

4. Dirk: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?
Jake: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.
Dirk: Thanks, Jake.
Jake: No problem!

From the dialogue above, Dirk is ...

a. Giving opinion
b. Asking for help
c. Asking for help
d. Giving help
e. Asking for an opinion

Jawaban: e. Asking for an opinion

Baca Juga: Soal Latihan Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

5. Ramlan : Hi Renny , would you like to do something with me this weekend ?
Renny : Sure . What shall we do ?
Ramlan : I do not know . Do you have any idea?
Renny : What about going to cinema?
Ramlan : That sounds good. Which movie shall we see?
Renny : Let’s see “Iron Man 4”.

Ramlan : Hmmmm... I do not like violent films. How about going to “Mad Doctor Brown“? I hear it’s a funny movie.
Renny : OK. Let’s see that. When is it on?
Ramlan : It’s on at 8 o’clock at the Rex . Shall we have a bite to eatbefore the movie?
Renny : Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italian restaurant “La Pasta”?
Ramlan : Great idea ! Let ‘s meet there at six.
Renny : OK. I’ll see you at “La Pasta” at six. Bye.
Ramlan : Bye.

What is the topic of the dialogue?

a. Planning to spend time on weekend
b. Choosing a romantic movie
c. Going to have refreshing
d. Deciding place to have dinner
e. Deciding kind of movie

Jawaban: a. Planning to spend time on weekend

6. What kind of movie is “Mad Doctor Brown”?

a. Drama
b. Action
c. Thriller
d. Romance
e. Comedy

Jawaban: e. Comedy

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 8 SMP Halaman 65 Kegiatan 3 2, Tentang Mengenali Unsur Teks Ekspoisi

7. Lenny : Bayu, I’d like to study in a state university, but I’m worried I can’t pass the test.
Bayu : Why don’t you join me for preparing the test in college?
Lenny : By the way, how much does it cost for the college?
Bayu : Not more than a million rupiah yearly.
Lenny : Okay, I’ll consider it with my parents.

What is Lenny’s problem?

a. She has bad score to register in university
b. She is not ready to enroll herself to a state university
c. The payment to enroll to university is expensive
d. She is confused to choose a proper university
e. Her parents have already chosen a university for her

Jawaban: b. She is not ready to enroll herself to a state university

8. What activity may not be in preparing for the test?

a. Chatting during the preparation
b. Having more time to study
c. Studying hard
d. Doing some exercise about a certain subject
e. Having discussion with the counselor

Jawaban: a. Chatting during the preparation

9. Layla : Thanks for meeting with me during your lunch hour. I appreciate it.
Monica : No problem. I’m happy to help. What’s going on?
Layla : Oh you know, the usual. Should I take this new job? Or do I stick with my current one?
Monica : Well, I think it’s time for a change, don’t you? They pay you late and you are unhappy.
Layla : Do you really think so?
Monica : I know so. And I’ve been listening to you complain for over a year now. Trust me.Take the job. What do you have to lose?

What probably makes Layla unhappy in her today’s job?

a. Meal
b. Transportation
c. Payment
d. Friend
e. Inflexible time

Jawaban: c. Payment

Baca Juga: 10 Soal Latihan Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Materi Introduction

10. What does Monica suggest for Layla?

a. reject the offer for her new job
b. have same job with her
c. join her job in her office
d. accept the offer for her new job
e. change Layla’s opinion

Jawaban: d. accept the offer for her new job

Itulah latihan soal PTS Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 11 SMA MA pilihan ganda asking and giving opinion.

Selamat belajar.


1. Artikel ini dibuat untuk membantu siswa dalam belajar di rumah. Jawaban tidak menjamin kebenaran yang bersifat mutlak, karena tidak menutup kemungkinan ada eksplorasi jawaban lainnya.

2. Tidak ada unsur membocorkan soal yang sifatnya rahasia. Jika ada kesamaan soal pada test mendatang, itu hanya kebetulan semata.***

Editor: Shofia Munawaroh

Sumber: Bank Soal Kemdikbud


